Integration with Subiekt Nexo system

Integration with the external system Subiekt Nexo enables the exchange of data, among other documents, with the warehouse system Weaver WMS in real time..

A dedicated Weaver WMS service is required for configuration, which will be presented to you during the pre-implementation analysis.

The cost of the add-on is given by email or phone.

Nexo Subiekt

Types of integrated documents

The documents that can be exchanged between systems are:.

Orders from Suppliers [ZD].

Ordering goods from a supplier

External acceptance [PZ].

Acceptance of delivery of goods to the warehouse

Internal Revenue [PW].

Receiving into stock, such as finished goods after production

External dispatches [RW].

Release, such as raw materials for the production of finished goods

Inter-warehouse transfers [MM].

Transfers of goods between different warehouses

Inventory [INW].

Inventory report

Orders from customers [ZO].

Orders flowing into Subect, such as from an online store

External Release [WZ]

Release of goods from the warehouse to the customer

Test all system integrations and functions for 30 days

Without payment and providing payment details.