Material base management

The primary function of a WMS is to manage your assortment by storage units. With a WMS, you will gain full tracebility and compliance with the GS1 standard. You will get current information about your inventory at any time.

Weaver WMS. Zarządzanie bazą materiałów.

The system allows barcode handling on terminals and computers. The assortment can be freely grouped, assigned dimensions, expiration dates, lot numbers and many other characteristics.

A full record of the contents of the media helps eliminate mistakes. Each material can be received and issued in supplier and recipient codes. It is possible to assign bulk codes to individual assortment items, making it possible to issue/receive goods in a bulk unit, e.g. on a pallet.

Determination of minimum stocks allows optimization of the amount of goods located in the picking and buffer areas of the system. Material characteristics such as dimensions, weight, shelf life, ABC/XYZ classification allow the WMS to automatically select appropriate storage locations for goods in the warehouse.

By specifying the expiration date of the goods, it is possible to issue goods according to the FEFO strategy (the unit with the oldest expiration date). It is also possible to block the release of expired goods.



Tracebility (from "trace" - to follow and "ability" - ability) - tracking capability. Weaver WMS enables tracking and full control of materials used at any stage of production, storage, distribution and delivery to the customer. Tracing makes it possible to reconstruct the history of a product, that is, to see where the product was at various stages of production, storage and distribution.

With tracebility, your company has access to up-to-date product and process information, controls product quality, locates products faster, meets legal tracking obligations, and inspires greater customer confidence.

GS1 label support

GS1 label support

The GS1 logistics label is affixed to the logistics/warehouse unit, contains standardized lot information. With the GS1 label, your company will convey information in a way that is understood worldwide.

Weaver WMS allows you to print logistics labels in GS1 standard on label printers. We also provide GS1 label reading when logistics units are received into your warehouse.

SSCC - Weaver WMS


SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) - Serial number of a logistics unit. This number can be used by your company to identify logistics units, which consist of goods packed together for storage and/or transportation; a logistics unit can be, for example, a pallet of goods, a big bag, a carton, etc.

The logistics unit code in standardized GS1-compliant SSCC form (or any other) is the basis of the Weaver WMS.



The Weaver WMS system allows full support of any barcodes and 2D multidimensional codes. It is possible to read codes using mobile terminals (data collectors) and barcode readers.

The system has a built-in module for generating arbitrary barcodes for products / logistics units that have not been properly labeled by manufacturers.

Material groups

Material groups

Products, commodities, intermediate products and raw materials can be collected together in material groups. Material group allows for subsequent filtering/grouping of reports and system views. Assignment of material groups is done from the material editing level, and it is also possible to collectively assign groups by importing from a file.

Shelf life

Shelf life

Checking the expiration date of batches of specific goods can be extremely useful, especially when it comes to operations on products that are likely to expire. Weaver WMS supports the management of the expiration date of goods within a logistics unit.

The mechanism makes it possible to implement releases based on FEFO (first expired, first out) - first expired, first out. It is also possible to block releases for expired goods.



Batch data is stored in the logistics unit. Batch management provides an additional layer of information related to the assortment. Allows you to "tag" a product with such information as expiration date, lot number, batch date, etc.

Weaver WMS enables accurate batch tracking for incoming and outgoing assortments from the system. With batch tracking, it is possible to release goods according to any release strategy (FIFO, FEFO, LIFO, etc.).

Serial numbers

Serial numbers

Serial numbers are scanned/entered into the system during delivery, inventory and release. It is possible to mark which SKUs are subject to the serial number tracking process.

The serial number tracking scenario is particularly useful when implementing the warranty process for issued products. With serial numbers, you can track the release of individual goods to end customers.

Dimensions of materials

Dimensions of materials

The WMS enables accurate sizing and weight entry of assortments. Thanks to the dimensioning of materials, it is possible to better manage warehouse space and keep an eye on permissible loads on storage areas. Dimensioned materials during the packaging process allow optimal selection of courier company and shipping package.

Supplier codes

Supplier codes

It is possible to define a material code in the context of multiple suppliers. Thanks to this, when creating an order for a given supplier, it will be generated with the appropriate codes.

When receiving goods, it is possible to scan the own code or the supplier code. Similarly, the generation of labels - it is possible in own and supplier codes.

Recipient codes

Recipient codes

The recipient code can be defined from the material level and from the recipient level, and it is also possible to import recipient codes from a file collectively. When creating an external release, it is possible to print it with recipient codes.

The shipment of goods may involve the need to label them with recipient codes (OEM manufacturers or shipment to Amazon) - Weaver WMS fully supports such scenarios.



Weaver WMS provides the ability to attach any files to materials, logistics units and documents in the system. Attachments can be, for example, technical documentation, photos, etc. Viewing and adding attachments is possible from the desktop application and mobile application.

Minimum states

Minimum states

Defining minimum, optimum and maximum stocks is part of a broader part of the system titled "inventory management." A number of functions and system parameters are available to enable efficient inventory and stock management in the context of the entire system and of a warehouse, sector or site.

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