Location management

The service and management of locations is one of the basic functions of the WMS system. Each product has its own, precisely defined, place in the warehouse - thanks to this, the location of the product becomes simple.

Weaver WMS. Material database management.

The primary address in Weaver WMS is the address of a storage location, multiple locations make a sector, and multiple sectors make a warehouse, there can be many warehouses.

Places can be organized in the so-called sections - these are separate zones that help organize the picking algorithms and the location of goods in the warehouse.

Many warehouses

Many warehouses

The Weaver WMS system supports multiple physical and virtual warehouses. Each system warehouse can be mapped with the warehouse of the parent ERP/FK system. You can move between warehouses and freely map the topology of the warehouse.



The warehouse contains sectors, i.e. elements that group places. Sectors have certain features useful when planning the location of goods, such as: minimum stocks, preferred materials, ABC/XYZ classification, excluded materials and many others.



The storage location is the primary system address. The place has many features that allow for the appropriate assignment of goods to it.

Useful features include: allowable weight, allowable dimensions, preferred materials, excluded materials, ABC/XYZ classification. Thanks to the features assigned to the place, the system algorithms are able to precisely locate the goods within the places.

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